Ensuring correct cleaning and maintenance of your patio paving is essential if you want your paving to live a long life, always looking its best. Over time, all types of paving naturally gather dirt and grime so, to help you keep your patio looking as good as new, we’ve written a quick cleaning and maintenance guide. 

Cleaning Your Patio Paving 

Patio cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore. By cleaning your patio regularly and keeping on top of the dirt, patio cleaning really is just giving it a scrub every now and then! However, if you leave dirt and grime to build up over time, you may find some stains that are difficult to get out with just warm soapy water. Here’s what we recommend for keeping on top of your patio cleaning. 
1. Start by sweeping away the day-to-day dirt with a stiff bristled brush. This gets rid of all of the easily accessible dirt, such as dirt from footfall and leaves falling from trees etc. 
2. Once you’ve given your patio a sweep, we’d recommend giving it a weed. This can be done with simple weeding tools, a weed burner tool, weed killer or for a quick solution, boiling water will do the job! 
3. Once sweeped and weeded, we would then recommend scrubbing the pavers with warm soapy water, again with a stiff bristled brush. 
a. If you have access to a pressure washer, this can be used on a low to medium setting, keeping the nozzle at least a foot away from the surface. Before starting on your main patio area, we recommend testing the setting out on a spare slab/corner to ensure no damage is done. 
b. Also try to avoid focusing on one spot for a long time and direct contact with the joints to prevent damage. 
4. To keep your patio looking its best, we recommend thoroughly cleaning your patio around 5 times a year, with sweeping the patio regularly to avoid stains from leaves and footfall etc. 

Sealing Your Patio 

Sealing your patio is typically more for natural stones to help them keep their look and avoid your patio looking tired and worn. Patio sealer can help protect and strengthen your patio as well as enhancing the colour. We would certainly recommend sealing your patio to preserve the look and longevity of your patio. 
As porcelain paving is already immensely resistant and durable, a patio sealer may not necessarily be required, however, sometimes it's better to be safe than sorry! 
If you are looking for a cost effective and reliable patio sealer, we have a range in stock available in different sizes! Or, if you’re wanting some advice on whether you should seal your patio, get in touch with our team who will be happy to help. 

Filling In Your Patio Joints 

The joints of your patio are essential for keeping a solid structure and adding to the overall look of your paving. Over time, the joints of your paving can begin to look tired or wear away, especially if you weed/wash your patio regularly and are completely normal. 
If you’re beginning to notice gaps in your joints, it may be time to start thinking about investing in some jointing compound. Luckily, we have a range of different types and colours of jointing compound perfect for your patio paving, if you need advice then our team will be delighted to help! 
To check out our paving slabs and products, you can visit our website or showroom or if you need any help or advice regarding any of our paving slabs or accessories, get in touch with a member of our team today! 
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